Multi-trading Platforms

Growth and income investment opportunities

Al-trust Investment brokerage services comprise a multi-channel trading platform with dedicated execution support for investors in and outside Kuwait.

Our high-end, up-to-date technology, allows us easy access to our investments. We also have investment control through our free call center, and offer trading brokers and various high tech electronic channels.

Our multi-channel trading platforms allow investors to easily access and control their investments through a free call centre, trading brokers and various innovative electronic channels which allow investors to view the prices of all stocks, to view their investment accounts and their portfolio from anywhere and at any time. The electronic channels also allow clients to execute transactions directly.

Our accessibility to these muti-channel platforms give us facilitated access to the Saudi stock market. 

Some of our brokerage service features are free telephone trading (call center), smart phone trading, professional trading and monitoring applications, platforms trading and Shari’ah compliant margin trading.